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At the heart of the pedagogical project of a school, a college, a high school or any other educational establishment, at the beginning of an associative, cultural or institutional project, the Amicitia Circle is born on the ground thanks to the motivation, mobilization to set up a specific project in the chosen theme. Amicitia does not offer a turnkey project, but will help as much as possible.


For schools, the Amicitia Circle is the starting point in a pedagogical project approach that favors multi or multi-disciplinary cooperation. Depending on the type of project, the circle will have to organize itself to collect the operating costs: donations, sales, collections, subsidies... resources.

Exchanges, correspondence, communications, videoconferences can be virtual as in the case of the pandemic.

After the return to "normal life", certain projects, which are oriented towards a trip, a visit, an exchange... require a budget and a provisional calendar.

  • Languages include French from France, French from Canada, Canadian English.

  • Culture covers identities, similarities, differences.

  • Public Affairs include trade and national policies.


This diagram may help you choose one or more themes to develop


  • Our shared History encompasses more than four centuries of relations between our two countries: exploration, expeditions, travel, migrations, wars, interventions, treaties, alliances.

  • Remembrance is connected to History and Engagement in our educational perspective. In addition to commemorations we must ensure ongoing awareness and commitment.

  • Examples: your project may be in the Arts which include music, drama, cinema, visual arts. You might choose to create a show, a rock-opera, an exhibition. You can select your own format: a letter or email exchange, a blog, a videoconference. Have great fun and good luck!

Why an "Amicitia Circle" in every school?


Foreword: In order to understand our objectives, we advise you to read the documents concerning

the genesis of the citizen project, its realization and its extensions for the Amitié France-Canada.



Faithful to our mission, from the monument, beyond the duty of remembrance, we want to promote education and commitment to develop this special friendship between our two countries. Together, we will contribute to the progress of universal values in all fields.


From an educational and pedagogical point of view, our goal at Amicitia is to offer a framework for the study of Franco-Canadian relations (from the past to the present), a place for the presentation of school projects of all sizes, from the simplest to the most complex, regardless of the age of the participants, from elementary school to high school, and to encourage virtual and/or in-person exchanges.


The cultural dimension will be included for schools that want to exchange in both languages: French and English.


The Amicitia movement is forward-looking and opens a way for future generations to engage in this cause in their own way. 


In order to allow a better participation of each interested school and to create a framework for exchange and research, we propose to the participating schools, in a first step, to create an Amicitia Circle in their school, and to propose us their project (initial phase - expectations - questions).


The purpose of this first quick presentation is to collect your reactions and motivations. It will be followed by explanations and could lead to a forum of exchanges between us, with the persons in charge of the Amicitia Circles.


We will make you follow the basic principles of the pedagogy of the project (for those who are not familiar with it) also in order to facilitate the assembly and to standardize the presentations. For those in charge, colleagues teaching other subjects should be encouraged to participate in a multi-disciplinary project that values the globality and ownership of the learners.


We are delighted to be able to put in place, with you, a unique dynamic that carries our strong hopes of seeing our young citizens from both countries meet and unite for a friendship that extends history. It is also a vector of understanding of cultural differences, thus a mutual enrichment of the humanism that leads us. 


Let's not forget that small drops of water make big rivers that create rivers and oceans...

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